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I am a professional, traveling model with experience in various print projects, promotional events and fashion runway shows around the Illinois area and abroad.


I am also the current Ms. Worldwide Chicago Ambassador for Live Out Loud Charity for 2016 - 2017 where I advocate for Suicide Prevention, Anti-Bullying, PTSD and Domestic Abuse. I hope to change the language and negative stigma associated with mental illness among the inner city so that individuals will feel unashamed to seek out resources, support and help that could be life-saving.


My love for fashion and business led me to intern for various events and shows to learn more about the industry as a whole. A natural planner, I now use the knowledge I've learned to work as a Celebrity Assistant for some of the Midwest's top events.


In my leisure time, I am an avid reader and writer. I have written countless works of poetry and performance pieces as well as 1 novella.

Overcoming many obstacles of my youth, I hope to inspire others as they follow my exciting journey through the world of modeling.


Won't you join me?


Please take a stroll through my Portfolio for a glimpse into some of my most recent work. Be sure to follow me on my social media pages listed at the bottom of my Contact page to see additional images, community events and behind the scene videos and pics of events, shoots and shows!







Paige Ryan

Ms. WorldWide Chicago Ambassador

Live Out Loud Charity 2016 - 2017

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